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THE VISIONARY PAGEANT (Signed Numbered Ltd Novella)

Book cover ofThe Visionary Pageant
  • Author: Paul Di FILIPPO
  • Publisher: NewCon Press
  • Published: 2022
  • Description: Hardback, New
  • Dust Jacket Condition: New
  • Edition: First Signed Numbered Limited
  • ISBN-13: 9781914953361
  • Ref: 14861
  • View Terms of Sale & Postage Information

Comments & Further Information

A signed numbered limited edition (50 copies only) hardback novella with a full 1 to 10 number sequence indicating a first printing.

This is book #26 of 50 copies only and is SIGNED by Paul Di Filippo on the limitation page.

This is Book #4 in Newcon’s Steampunk novella quartet.  The quartet comprises four novellas, each containing a tale of epic steampunk excitement squeezed within the covers of a novella.  Four independent stories by four outstanding authors, linked only by their cover art.

SYNOPSIS:  “Despite her father being a prominent captain of industry in her hometown of Providence, Sophronia Tempest struggles to be taken seriously in her chosen career as a journalist. It is when she and her boyfriend, the eminently suitable Arthur Botwink, attend a meeting of a supposed sect, the Starry Sodality, and hear an address by Isadora Blank, self-declared ‘Hierophant and Opener of the Way’, that things start to spiral out of control.

Before she knows it, Sophronia, Arthur, and the irascible Reuben Standeven – a fellow journalist, who keeps getting the assignments she deserves – are caught up in far-reaching events beyond their imagining. Following their instincts, they find themselves in another world and are party to a fiendish scheme that seems set to come to a head on the day of the big parade to celebrate 250 years since the founding of Providence. Unless, that is, they can stop it.

But how is Sophronia’s mentor, the celebrated academic Professor Aurion Charnley, involved? And where do all the cats keep disappearing to?”


The Visionary Pageant PubVisionary Pageant 26