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The Percival Tyler Files

Book cover ofThe Percival Tyler Files
  • Author: Clinton S GREEN
  • Publisher: Rainfall Books
  • Published: 2005
  • Description: Softback, Fine
  • Dust Jacket Condition: None
  • Edition: First
  • Ref: 3961
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Comments & Further Information

First UK edition Trade (large sized) paperback with a stated “First Published in 2005”.  Unread but there is a light crease at the top right-hand corner of the front cover and a tiny one at the top left-hand corner of the rear cover.

SYNOPSIS:  “The story of supernatural belief and the dogma of logic. The study of a son’s attempt to live up to the impossible expectations of his father and of his strange journey towards an unspeakable destiny. Percival Tyler is a young man in awe of his redoubtable father, the founder of The American Society for Reason and enemy of occultists everywhere. Early twentieth century society in New England, USA is rife with witches, spiritualists, and age-old legends from the backwoods. Percival assists his father on several cases, including an investigation of a series of horrific grave desecrations supposedly perpetrated by ghouls!”