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Tau Zero

Book cover ofTau Zero
  • Author: Poul ANDERSON
  • Publisher: Gollancz
  • Published: 2009
  • Description: Softback, Near Fine
  • Dust Jacket Condition: No dustjacket
  • Edition: First (Thus)
  • ISBN-13: 9780575082588
  • Ref: 6773
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Comments & Further Information

This is a B format (130 x 198 mm) paperback with a full 1 to 10 number sequence indicating a first printing of THIS edition. This is a book in a new series of classic SF stories by various authors brought out in 2009 by Gollancz.  UNREAD but some light tanning to pages.

SYNOPSIS:  “It’s the 23rd Century. Fifty men and women set out from earth aboard an inter-stellar craft bound for a planet thirty light-years away. The ship will travel at almost the speed of light and as a result subjective time on board will slow down. A journey lasting thirty years will pass, for the crew, in less than a decade. But the ship’s deceleration system is irreparably damaged when it hits a cloud of inter-stellar dust and its acceleration continues inexorably towards light speed – tau zero. Soon the ship is speeding through galaxies. On board, not just decades but eons are passing in the blink of an eye. Once you have travelled this far out in time and space, is there ever a way back.”